Friday, April 1, 2011

kuta beach bali history

Already since the 1960s until today, Kuta is known as the busiest tourist spots in Bali. Tourists come to have fun in a small village in Badung this. Kuta increasingly identically as a place with sparkling image: surfing, shopping, Sun Bathing, or just to enjoy a world atmosphere in recent nights.
Ironically, in addition to the beach and the world at night, Kuta itself is not too have a place as a tourist visit.Unlike, say, Denpasar, which have some historic locations like the Museum of Bajra Sandhi Renon Square Margarana or beside Puputan Bali Museum Badung Denpasar. Or art museums in Ubud.
"As the people of Kuta, I myself often feel uncomfortable because we lack knowledge about our own place," said Made Supatra Karang, one community leader in Kuta.
While Kuta actually have an important role in the history of modern Bali, especially in terms of tourism. Kuta can be called at the forefront of creating the image of Bali as a location for world tourism. Because of that Kuta has the potential to be a historical sights. Especially since the old Kuta is also known as the place that gives a place for pluralism.
To know Kuta as a historic place, Supatra introduce five places that have a role in the history of Kuta. Five places were Pasih Beach Boat, Dharmanaya Monastery, GraveyardMads Lange, Poppies Restaurant, and the Bali Bombing Monument. Two last names are widely known. Therefore, we will visit three places namely lai Pasih Coast Boat, Vihara Dharmayana, and the Tomb of Mads Lange.
According to the official history book of the Government of Kuta Village, Kuta began to be known when in 1336 AD, Gajah Mada from the Majapahit and his troops landed on the southern coast. This area became known as Tuban, like one of a small town on the coast of East Java.
Because a good place for landing ship, this area slowly became a small port. Residents also mentioned areas in Banjar Segara Kuta is the name which means the beach Pasih Boat boat. According to Nyoman Rica, Head of Environment Banjar Segara Kuta Kuta history can not escape from the existence of this boat pasih. "Therefore everyone who wants to know the history of Kuta indeed have to start from here," said Rika some time ago.
Currently, there is no historical evidence whatever that this beach never had an important role in the development of Kuta .Former port here already eaten the waves, affected by abrasion. "It's deep in there," said Rika said, pointing out to sea.
Physical evidence that the place was ever so ports can be seen from the building at Temple Guesthouse in this place. At the front of the temple, there are miniature boat built in 2002. According to Rika, a boat of this cement is a form of respect for local residents on their ancestors who landed in that place.
The size of this miniature boat about 6 x 2 meter square. In the midst of these boats there are water sources which, uniquely, is a fresh water despite being on the beach. Unfortunately this place does not have much information to become a tourist attraction. However, if packed well, this place is quite interesting to be a historical tourist sites, especially about Kuta .
Another part of Kuta which could be a place to get to know the history of the monastery Dharmayana Kuta. Established around 1876 AD, the monastery Dharmayana be one of the oldest buildings in Kuta. He became a silent witness of the era history of Kuta Bali is still shaped the kingdom today.However, despite 132 years old, this temple was still very awake. Buildings are still arranged and used so far.
This monastery located on the corner between the streets and roads Padri Blambangan Kuta, Banjar Temacun entrance region, Kuta. With the color of a typical Chinese red, this temple clearly visible on the right side of the road. Ornaments such as lanterns are hung, Mandarin characters on the wall, or a dragon statue in the pole monastery became an icon typical of traditional Chinese buildings.
Dharmayana Vihara is a place of residents of Chinese descent perform daily prayers. Nevertheless, the monastery is open for anyone who wants to visit, not just those who want to worship. Therefore, tourists can visit this temple. However, in fact, not many tourists visiting the monastery who had visited the Dalai Lama in 1982.
Hindra Suarlim, Chairman of the Yayasan Dharma Semadhi that shaded monastery, said, Dharmayana built to honor His Majesty Kongco Cin Tan Hu Jin, ancestor of the Chinese citizens in Kuta .According to the owner's Chinese name is Lim Ing Hin, Cin Jin Tan Hu is an architect who designed the Taman Ayun in Mengwi, Badung. Jin Taman Ayun was built in in 1716 AD
Although established as a form of homage to the ancestors of Chinese citizens, but the monastery is still allowed to visit anyone, including tourists. Usually the tourists who come are from China , Japan, or Korea. Tourists from Europe and America are very rare. "If they want to worship here is fine," said Luwih Beratha, chairman of the monastery.
Visiting the monastery Dharmayana Kuta, we will simultaneously learn about the history of Chinese citizens in Kuta , Bali island in general. Since the beginning of his arrival in Bali in the 18th century, Chinese citizens choose to trade jobs. This profession also influenced the development of Kuta to the present. Chinese citizens continue to be one group that determines the economic wheels of Kuta, especially in terms of trade.
In various books on Kuta stated that the Dutch colonial era, Kuta be one trading center in Bali.At that time, a Danish citizen named Mads Johansen Lange became Syahbandar Kuta. I Made A piece Sujaya in his book Conscience of Kuta (LPM Kuta, 2004) mentions that in the hands of Mr. Lange, as people used to call Kuta, Kuta is increasingly developing into a very advanced and famous. Therefore, talking about Kuta is also inseparable from the position of Mr. Lange if a little smelly colonial.
Mads Lange Tomb located in the eastern part of Kuta, next to Tukad Dead, is about 100 meters from the road By Pass Ngurah Rai Kuta. There is a street named Mr. Lange is like showing how important the Lange position so that his name immortalized as the name of the street. Again, unfortunately, this place did not have enough information as a tourist attraction. While this location could have been packaged as a historical tour, for example with a clearer description of who Mads Lange and how his role in the development of Kuta.
Currently, not much to look at the tombMads Lange . There are only about 3 feet tall monument with the inscription Sacred to the Memory of Mads Johansen Lange. This monument is somewhat separate from other graves in the Chinese cemetery. Historically, Mads Lange was married to the woman of Chinese descent. Because of that he was buried in the cemetery this Chinese. Without a guardian and a written statement about the place, the tomb of Mads Lange could not tell a lot about the history of Kuta .
Three sites, along with Poppies Restaurant-one of the oldest restaurants in Kuta and Bali bomb monument, to commemorate the tragedy of the bombings in Kuta on October 12, 2002 actually could be an attractive tour packages. Each other is no more than 30 minutes if taken with a motorcycle or car. It did not take a day to explore everything.
Unfortunately not a single travel agent or tour players who make these places as a tourist activity history. If ever there was one tourists who come, usually only because of personal interest, not offered by travel agents.
However, according to Supatra Karang, the majority of residents in Kuta today is start thinking about the need for any historical attractions in Kuta. "We were thinking that way lately. Kuta should have a museum of history or package tours to historic places, "said Chairman of the Kuta Small Business Association is. But this is still limited to ideas, no action whatsoever.
This, he added, because of the lack of sources that can tell each venue. "Still, perhaps it should have started it. If no one start, so just going to be an idea, "added the initiator of the annual activities of the Kuta Karnival this.

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