Pangandaran beach is a tourist attraction in Ciamis district which is the belle of the beach in West Java is located in the Village Pananjung with a distance of 92 km from the town of Ciamis to the south. From the direction of Bandung is about 212 KM to the passing lane Bandung - Ciamis - Banjar and Pangandaran . To get to the location of Pangandaran Beach is not difficult. Because the existing road infrastructure is very inadequate. All roads are paved into Pangandaran Beach hotmix well.
For visitors who do not use a personal vehicle, then it can use public transportation routes. When the city of Bandung to use the bus or travel directly toward Pangandaran.Or if the buses could stop first in the district. Ciamis and then by bus or car type elves to Pangandaran . Kandaran those present at any time until 10:00 tonight.
Pangadaran Beach has a variety of privileges, namely, we can see the sunrise and sunset from the same place. Sloping beach with clear water and the distance between the ups and downs are relatively long to allow people to swim safely. Then, there are beaches with white sand that area where every visitor could see rocks and ornamental fish clearly. In this white sand coastline, visitors can conduct dives
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